Hawkeye Aircraft Acquisitions LLC

Hawkeye Aircraft Acquisitions is a boutique aircraft acquisition consulting company that helps companies and individuals interested in buying a jet or private aircraft solution for their travel needs.

What makes Hawkeye unique in the industry is that we have over 36 years business aviation experience, 28 with a major new aircraft manufacturer on the aircraft sell-side, and know first-hand the costly mistakes many customers make.  In turning the table from selling to buying an aircraft, we are able to leverage our aircraft sales experience to provide a unique and valuable service to our clients when acquiring an aircraft.


Hawkeye Aircraft Acquisitions has developed a proprietary evaluation tool that takes the universe of possibilities and quantifies them into decision points

We review and establish a baseline for the current travel
Conduct passenger interviews
Review mission requirements with key participants
Analyze current and future trip requirements
Analyze residual value and life cycle costs
Rank aircraft and travel solutions on key factors based on the analysis for cabin comfort, operating costs, life cycle costs, residual value, purchase price and other key factors per client requirements
Provide recommendation based on analysis

Perform a detailed market analysis
Review aircraft that meet requirements for key criteria
Conduct onsite review of aircraft or arrange demonstration flights
Develop purchase strategy
Work with client team on legal, maintenance and specifications
Act as your buyer advocate through pre-purchase, specification sessions and delivery

Perform a detailed market analysis for best market pricing of aircraft
Coordinate all marketing activities
We work with your team for legal and maintenance issues
Act as your advocate in the sales process through delivery

Evaluate and compare travel solutions
Advise on best program or combination of programs to
meet goals
Negotiate terms and key deal points


Our proprietary evaluation packet quantifies the important components of finding the right aircraft for the mission.  


With over 36+ years of sales experience we are highly qualified to market, negotiate the sale and represent your interests throughout the sale of your current aircraft.  

Asset Valuation

As an accredited Senior Aircraft Appraiser of the American Society of Appraisers we provide both formal USPAP certified aircraft appraisals and asset valuations. 

